Anchusa undulata, Anchusa hybrida, Common alkanet,
Hebrew: לשון-פר מצויה, Arabic: حمحم , بنفسجي

Scientific name:  Anchusa undulata L.
Synonym name:  Anchusa hybrida Ten.
Common name:  Common alkanet
Hebrew name:   לשון-הפר המצויה ,לשון-פר מצוי
Arabic name:   حمحم , بنفسجي
Family:  Boraginaceae, זיפניים

Anchusa undulata, Anchusa hybrida, Common alkanet, לשון-פר מצויה, حمحم , بنفسجي

Life form:  Hemicryptophyte
Stems:  Pubescent and hispid with both short and long hairs or satae; stems 10-50 cm, erect or ascending
Leaves:  Alternate, rosette, entire, smooth
Flowers:   Purple, violet
Fruits /Pods:   Nutlets c.2x3-4 mm, obliquely ovoid
Flowering Period:   March, April, May
Habitat:   Batha, Phrygana
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands, Montane vegetation of Mt. Hermon
Chorotype:  Mediterranean
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

פרחים וצמחי בר, דיווחי פריחה

Derivation of the botanical name:
Anchusa, αγχουσα, a plant used for cosmetic as a rouge.
undulata, waved, wavy; wavy-margined, wavy-leaved, wavy edged.
hybrida, mongrel, hybrid.
The Hebrew name: לשון-פר, lashon-par, 'ox-tongue', the leaves have raised spots with short, hooked bristles, giving the leaves a very rough feeling (like an ox’s tongue, hence the name).
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.
  • The standard author abbreviation Ten. is used to indicate Michele Tenore (1780–1861), an Italian botanist.

Botany, Israel, Nature, Wildflowers

Hararit, Lavra Netofa, Lower Galilee, Misgav, הררית , מבדד נטופה,Anchusa undulata, Anchusa hybrida, Undulate Anchusa,حمحم , بنفسجي, לשון-פר מצוי

Hararit, Lavra Netofa, Lower Galilee, Misgav, הררית , מבדד נטופה,Anchusa undulata, Anchusa hybrida, Undulate Anchusa,حمحم , بنفسجي ,לשון-פר מצוי