Chloris gayana, Chloris abyssinica, Rhodes Grass,
Hebrew:עשבת המרעה, Arabic: حشيشة الرودس

Scientific name:  Chloris gayana Kunth
Synonym name:  Chloris abyssinica Hochst. ex A. Rich.
Common name:  Rhodes Grass
Hebrew name:  עשבת המרעה
Arabic name:  حشيشة الرودس
Family:   Graminea (Poaceae), Grass Family, משפחת הדגניים

Chloris gayana, Chloris abyssinica, Rhodes Grass,Hebrew:עשבת המרעה, Arabic: حشيشة الرودس

Life form:  Perennial, chamaephyte, geophyte, generally from stolons
Stems:  upright flowering stems, height of between 30‐150cm, 2-4mm thick
Leaves:  Rosette, alternate, sheath that partially encloses the stem and a spreading glabrous blade; leaf blade linear, 8-50 cm long and 2-10 mm wide and narrow gradually to a point at the tip, smooth margin
Inflorescence:  seed-heads, umbel-like, 6-17 branches, radiate outwards from the same point, flower spikes 8–15 cm
Flowers:  Hermaphrodite only, Green, spikelets (over 32) are densely imbricated and have two awns
Fruits / pods:  Caryopsis, longitudinally grooved, egg-shaped, about 1.5mm long
Flowering Period:  April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Habitat:  Disturbed areas
Distribution:   Semi-steppe shrublands, Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Deserts and extreme deserts, Shrub-steppes
Chorotype:  Tropical and southern Africa
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

Chloris gayana, Chloris abyssinica, Rhodes Grass, Hebrew:עשבת המרעה, Arabic: حشيشة الرودس

Derivation of the botanical name:
Chloris, after the Greek goddess of flowers, Chloris, daughter of Amphion; Flora was the equivalent Roman goddess; Latin chloris, chloridis 'verdant', Greek chloros 'green'.
gayana, in honor of Jaques Étienne Gay (1786 – 1864), a Swiss-French botanist, civil servant, collector and taxonomist.
abyssinica, Abyssinian, native to Ethiopia. ,
  • The standard author abbreviation Kunth. is used to indicate Carl Sigismund Kunth (1788 – 1850), a German botanist.
  • The standard author abbreviation Hochst. is used to indicate Christian Ferdinand Friedrich Hochstetter (1787 – 1860), a German botanist.
  • The standard author abbreviation A. Rich. is used to indicate Achille Richard (1794 – 1852), a French botanist and physician.

Chloris gayana, Chloris abyssinica, Rhodes Grass, Hebrew:עשבת המרעה, Arabic: حشيشة الرودس