Scientific name: | Crambe hispanica L. | |
Synonym name: | Crambe abyssinica Hochst. ex R.E.Fries | |
Common name: | Abyssinian mustard, Abyssinian-kale, Colewort | |
Hebrew name: | כרבה ספרדית | |
Arabic name: | الكرنب الإسباني | |
Family: | Cruciferae / Brassicaceae, Cabbage family, מצליבים |
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Life form: | Annual | |
Stems: | 25-100 cm high, slender, usually hispid; branching mostly in the upper half | |
Leaves: | Lower leaves lyrate-pinnatisect, reniform terminal lobe and 0-2 pairs of small lateral lobesAlternate, dentate or serrate; margin, dentate or serrate | |
Inflorescence: | A long panicled raceme, the lateral branches of which are sharply ascending and shorter than the primiary axis | |
Flowers: | Hermaphrodite, petals white | |
Fruits / pods: | Pods numerous, spherical, one-seeded, indehiscent; seed interior yellow; first-formed pods usually remain on stalk until last-formed pods mature | |
Flowering Period: | January, February, March, April | |
Habitat: | Batha, Phrygana | |
Distribution: | Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands, Montane vegetation of Mt. Hermon | |
Chorotype: | Mediterranean | |
Summer shedding: | Ephemeral |
![]() Derivation of the botanical name: Crambe , seakale, the Greek name for cabbage. hispanica, Spanish. abyssinica, Abyssinian.
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