Cyperus rotundus, Coco nut-grass,
Hebrew: גומא הפקעים, Arabic: حشيشة السعيد, Egypt: سعد "Se'd"

Scientific name:  Cyperus rotundus L.
Common name:   Coco nut-grass
Hebrew name:  גומא הפקעים
Arabic name:  حشيشة السعيد
Egypt:  سعد "Se'd"
Plant Family:   Cyperaceae, גמאיים

Israel, Flowers, Cyperus rotundus,Coco nut-grass, גמאיים ,גומא הפקעים,حشيشة السعيد

Life form:  Geophyte
Stems:  30-40 cm in height; smooth, erect, triangular in cross-section
Leaves:  Alternate, rosette, entire
Flowers:  Green, brown
Fruits / pods:  Single-seeded fruit, brown to black with a network of grey lines; 2 mm long
Flowering Period:   February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Habitat:   Disturbed habitats
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands, Shrub-steppes, Deserts and extreme deserts
Chorotype:   Subtropical - Tropical
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

Flowers in Israel

Derivation of the botanical name:
Cyperus, kyperos, kypeiros "galingale, sedge"; Latin cyperos, the name cyperis, idis was applied by Plinius to the root of the Cyperus.
rotundus, round, spherical; rounded.
The Hebrew word: גומא, gômê or gomeh; in the Mishnah and Talmudic literature, gomeh is called "Gami" and sometimes also called "Papier".
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.

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