Echium glomeratum, Tall Viper's-bugloss,
Hebrew: עכנאי מגובב, Arabic: حميم

Scientific name:  Echium glomeratum Poiret
Common name:  Tall Viper's-bugloss
Hebrew name:  עכנאי מגובב
Arabic name:  حميم
Family:  Boraginaceae, זיפניים

Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور

Life form:  Hemicryptophyte
Stems:  60-200 cm; one main and several side stems from a basal leaf rosette
Leaves:  Alternate, entire
Inflorescence:  Axillary clusters of densely packed pink flowers
Flowers:  Pink
Fruits / pods:  Nutlets
Flowering Period:  April, May, June
Habitat:  Batha, Phrygana
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Montane vegetation of Mt. Hermon
Chorotype:  Mediterranean
Summer shedding:  Perennating

Echium glomeratum, Tall Viper's-bugloss,  
حميم, עכנאי שרוע,Boraginaceae, זיפניים

Derivation of the botanical name:
Echium, echis, "a viper," the nutlets appearing to represent a viper's head.
glomeratum, collected closely together into a head.
Bugloss(Greek origin), means ox tongue, apparently because of the roughness of the leaves.
The hebrew word עכנאי, akhnai, by the foreign name echium, derived from echis, a viper.
  • The standard author abbreviation Poiret is used to indicate Jean Louis Marie Poiret (1755 – 1834), a French clergyman, botanist and explorer.

Echium glomeratum, Tall Viper's-bugloss, 
حميم ,עכנאי מגובב,Boraginaceae, זיפניים

Flowers of Israel