Erodium botrys, Longbeak stork's bill, Broadleaf filaree,
Hebrew: מקור-חסידה יפה, Arabic: الرقمة العنبية

Scientific name:  Erodium botrys (Cav.) Bertrol
Common name:  Longbeak stork's bill, Broadleaf filaree
Hebrew name:   מקור-חסידה יפה
Arabic name:  الرقمة العنبية
Plant Family:  Geraniaceae, גרניים

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Life form:   Therophyte, annual
Stems:  to 40 cm high; ascending to erect; short-hairy
Leaves:  Alternate, compound, pinnate, dentate or serrate
Inflorescence:  Umbels of 1–3 flowers
Flowers:  Pedicels (flower stalks) 1–1.5 cm long; sepals to 15 mm long, densely hairy with glandular and some non-glandular hairs; petals slightly longer than sepals; violet
Fruits / pods:  9–12 cm long; mericarps with glabrous pits at base of awn
Flowering Period:   January, February, March, April, May
Habitat:   Batha, Phrygana
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands
Chorotype:  Mediterranean
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

Erodium botrys, Longbeak stork's bill, Broadleaf filaree, מקור-חסידה יפה, Geraniaceae, גרניים

Derivation of the botanical name:
Erodium, Greek: erodiós or ερωδιός, a heron; the carpels of these plants resemble the head and beak of a heron.
botrys, Greek βοτρυϛ, grape.
The Hebrew word: מקור-חסידה, makor chasida / stork beak, is a mistake in the translation (chasida means stork). In Greek, the stork is called Πελασγός pelargos, pelargonium.
  • The standard author abbreviation Cav. is used to indicate Antonio José Cavanilles (1745 – 1804),a Spanish taxonomic botanist.
  • The standard author abbreviation Bertrol. is used to indicate Antonio Bertoloni (1775 – 1869), n Italian botanist.