Gynandriris monophylla, Moraea mediterranea, Barbary nut,
צהרון קטן ,אחיאירוס קטן

Scientific name:  Gynandriris monophylla Klatt
Synonym name:   Moraea mediterranea Goldblatt
Common name:  Barbary nut
Hebrew name:   צהרון קטן, אחיאירוס קטן
Family:  Iridaceae, אירוסיים

Gynandriris monophylla, Moraea mediterranea, Barbary nut, צהרון קטן ,אחיאירוס קטן

Life form:  Geophyte
Stems:  10-25 cm tall
Leaves:  Very thin leaves which grow singly, one from each corm
Inflorescence:  Flowers borne sequentially, in tight clusters at the same time as the long, very thin leaves
Flowers:  Blue with yellow crest
Fruits / pods:  Capsules subglobose, smaller seeds than Gynandriris sisyrinchium
Flowering Period:  March, April
Habitat:  Desert
Distribution:  Northern Negev
Chorotype:  Med - Saharo-Arabian
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

Gynandriris monophylla, Moraea mediterranea, Barbary nut, צהרון קטן ,אחיאירוס קטן

Derivation of the botanical name:
Gynandriris, Greek gyne, female and andros, male; refers to the united pistil and stamens.
monophylla, with one head.
Moraea, in honor of (esquire of Shropshire) Robert More (1703-1780), an English amateur botanist and natural historian.
mediterranea, Mediterranean.
  • The standard author abbreviation Klatt. is used to indicate Friedrich Wilhelm Klatt (1825 Hamburg - 1897, a German botanist.
  • The standard author abbreviation Goldblatt is used to indicate Peter Goldblatt (born 1943), Born in South Africa; United States citizenship - 1978.
  • The standard author abbreviation Klatt. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.