Iris atrofusca, Iris loessicola, Dark-brown iris, Gilead iris,
Hebrew: אירוס שחום, Arabic: سوسن جلعاد - كحيلة الكلب

Scientific name:  Iris atrofusca Baker
Synonym name:  Iris loessicolaT. Kushnir
Common name:  Dark-brown iris, Gilead iris, Loess Iris
Hebrew name:   אירוס שחום
Arabic name:  سوسن جلعاد - كحيلة الكلب, Jal'ad Iris
Family:  Iridaceae, אירוסיים

Iris atrofusca,Iris loessicola, Dark-brown iris, Gilead iris, سوسن جلعاد - كحيلة الكلب,אירוס שחום

Life form:  Geophyte
Stems:  30-40 cm high
Leaves:  Alternate, rosette, entire, smooth
Flowers:  Brown, black
Fruits / pods:  Capsule which opens up in three parts to reveal the numerous seeds within
Flowering Period:  April
Habitat:  Batha, Phrygana
Distribution:   Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands
Chorotype:  Irano-Turanian
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

Dudaim Forest, Goral Hills,Iris atrofusca,Iris loessicola, Dark-brown iris, Gilead iris, אירוס שחום

Derivation of the botanical name:
Iris, ιριϛ, ιδοϛ, rainbow; female messenger, announcer of the gods, the Greek goddess of the rainbow.
atrofusca, from ater, "black, sable, dark, gloomy", and fuscus, "dark, dusky, swarthy"; very dark.
loessicola , loess, loose fertile soil, red loam; -cola, -dweller; dwelling in loose fertile soil.
The Hebrew name: אירוס, iris, transliteration from the scientific name.
  • The standard author abbreviation Baker is used to indicate John Gilbert Baker (1834 – 1920),an English botanist
  • The standard author abbreviation T.Kushnir is used to indicate Tuvia Kushnir(1922 – 1948), one of the fallen heroes of the pre-State "Lamed-Hei," (the 35 killed trying to bring help to the besieged Gush Etzion) who had planted irises in the Mount Scopus Botanical Garden, that were discovered and revived only after the Six Day War (1967).

Dudaim Forest, Goral Hills,Iris atrofusca,Iris loessicola, Dark-brown iris, Gilead iris, אירוס שחום

Dudaim Forest, Goral Hills,Iris atrofusca, Dark-brown iris, Gilead iris, אירוס שחום

יער דודאים: אירוס שחום, תמונות