Martha's exotic Backyard in Israel

Jacaranda acutifolia, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Blue Jacaranda,
Hebrew: ז'קרנדה חדת עלים ,סיגלון מימוזי, Arabic: جكراندة ميموزية الأوراق

Scientific name:  Jacaranda acutifolia Humb. & Bonpl.
Synonym name:   Jacaranda mimosifolia D.Don
Common name:  Blue Jacaranda
Hebrew name:  ז'קרנדה חדת עלים ,סיגלון מימוזי
Arabic/الاسم العربي:  جكراندة ميموزية الأوراق
Español:  Jacarandá
中文-Chinese:  蓝花楹
Family:  Bignoniaceae, ביגנוניים

Exotic flowers in Israel

Life form:  Deciduous tree
Stems:  5-15 m tall; bark pale brown and furrowed, transverse cracks dividing the ridges between the furrows into long, narrow scales.
Leaves:  Compound and feathery on a stalk to 40 cm; up to 30 pairs of pinnae bearing small, pointed leaflets.
Inflorescence:  Panicle, a loose branching cluster of flowers, before leaf growth
Flowers:  5 lobed blue, purple corolla
Fruits / pods:  Capsule, round, flat, reddish brown, woody; containing numerous light-winged seeds
Origin:  South America
Summer shedding:  Perennating

Jacaranda acutifolia,Jacaranda mimosifolia,Blue Jacaranda,ז'קרנדה חדת עלים ,סיגלון

Derivation of the botanical name:
Jacaranda, a Brazilian vernacular name.
acutifolia, with pointed leaves.
mimosifolia, with leaves like genus Mimosa.
The Hebrew name: סיגלון, sigalon ז'קרנדה
  • The standard author abbreviation Humb. is used to indicate Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt (1769 – 1859), a Prussian geographer, naturalist and explorer.
  • The standard author abbreviation Bonpl. is used to indicate Aimé Jacques Alexandre Bonpland (1773 – 1858), a French explorer and botanist.
  • The standard author abbreviation D.Don is used to indicate David Don (1799 – 1841), a Scottish botanist.

Jacaranda acutifolia,Jacaranda mimosifolia,Blue Jacaranda,ז'קרנדה חדת עלים ,סיגלון

Jacaranda acutifolia,Jacaranda mimosifolia,Blue Jacaranda,ז'קרנדה חדת עלים ,סיגלון

Jacaranda acutifolia,Jacaranda mimosifolia,Blue Jacaranda,ז'קרנדה חדת עלים ,סיגלון