Lamium moschatum, Musk deadnettle,
Hebrew: נזמית לבנה, Arabic: قريصة الدجاجة

Scientific name:  Lamium moschatum Miller
Common name:  Musk deadnettle
Hebrew name:   נזמית לבנה
Arabic name:   قريصة الدجاجة
Plant Family:  Labiatae / Lamiaceae, שפתניים

Lamium moschatum, Musk deadnettle, قريصة الدجاجة, נזמית לבנה

Life form:  Annual
Leaves:  Opposite, entire, dentate or serrate
Flowers:  White
Flowering Period:  January, February, March, April, May
Habitat:  Batha, Phrygana
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands, Montane vegetation of Mt. Hermon
Chorotype:  Mediterranean
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

Lamium moschatum, Musk deadnettle, قريصة الدجاجة, נזמית לבנה

Derivation of the botanical name:
Lamium, old Latin name of a nettle-like plant mentioned by Pliny, said by some to be based on the Greek laimos (the throat or gullet).
moschatum, musky.
The Hebrew name:נזמית, nizmit, formed from נזם (= nose ring, earring) with suffix -it.
  • The standard author abbreviation Miller is used to indicate Philip Miller (1691 – 1771), a botanist of Scottish descent.

Israel wildflowers and native plants

Lamium moschatum, Musk deadnettle, قريصة الدجاجة, נזמית לבנה