Lotus halophilus, Lotus villosus,
Greater bird's foot trefoil,
Hebrew: לוטוס שעיר, Arabic: الحربث ، رجل العصفور، قرن الغزال

Scientific name:  Lotus halophilus Boiss.et Spruner
Synonym name:  Lotus villosus Forssk.
Common name:   Greater bird's foot trefoil
Hebrew name:   לוטוס שעיר
Arabic name:  الحربث ، رجل العصفور، قرن الغزال
Family:  Papilionaceae, פרפרניים

Flowers in the Holy Land, Send Flowers

Life form:  Annual
Stems:  10-30 cm high; pubescent
Leaves:  Alternate, imparipinnate (pinnately compound leaves in which there is a lone terminal leaflet rather than a terminal pair of leaflets), sessile or shortly petiolate; oblong-obovate
Inflorescence:  Heads 1- to 9-flowered
Flowers:  Yellow; peduncles longer than leaves; lateral calyx-teeth slightly shorter than upper
Fruits / pods:  Legume, ellipsoid body; curved at apex
Flowering Period:   February, March, April, May
Habitat:  Sand
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands, Shrub-steppes, Deserts and extreme deserts
Chorotype:  Mediterranean
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

Lotus halophilus,Lotus villosus, Greater bird's foot trefoil, לוטוס שעיר

Derivation of the botanical name:
Lotus, the classical Greek name.
halophilus, Greek hals, sea, salty; phileo, to love; salt-loving.
villosus, shaggy, hairy.
  • The standard author abbreviation Boiss. is used to indicate Pierre Edmond Boissier (1810 – 1885), a Swiss botanist, explorer and mathematician.
  • The standard author abbreviation Spruner is used to indicate Wilhelm von Spruner (1805 - 1874), a German military pharmacist, 1834 - 43 in Greek service and plant collector.
  • The standard author abbreviation Forssk. is used to indicate Peter Forsskål (1732 – 1763), a Swedish explorer, orientalist and naturalist.

Lotus halophilus,Lotus villosus, Greater bird's foot trefoil, לוטוס שעיר, الحربث ، رجل العصفور، قرن الغزال