Scientific name: | Ormenis mixta (L.) Dumort. | |
Synonym name: | Chamaemelum mixtum (L.) All., Anthemis mixta L., Cladanthus mixtus (L.) Chevall. | |
Common name: | Weedy dog fennel, Simple-leaved chamomile | |
Hebrew name: | קחוונית מצויה | |
Arabic name: | كِرْكيش مُخْتَلَط | |
Family: | Compositae / Asteraceae, מורכבים |
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Life form: | Therophyte, annual | |
Stems: | 10-60cm, often much-branched | |
Leaves: | Alternate, dissected, pinnate (most of the cauline leaves 1-pinnatisect) | |
Flowers: | Outer florets usually ligulate, female or sterile, white; inner florets hermaphrodite, tubular, yellow | |
Fruits / pods: | Achene | |
Flowering Period: | March, April, May | |
Habitat: | Sand | |
Distribution: | The Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Shrub-steppes, Deserts and extreme deserts, Montane vegetation of Mt. Hermon | |
Chorotype: | Mediterranean | |
Summer shedding: | Ephemeral |
![]() Derivation of the botanical name: Ormenis, Greek oro, raise; men, menos, month, reputed to aid menstruation mixta, mixed. Chamaemelum, chamai, χαμαι, on the ground, lowly, creeping; melon, or apple which refers to its low growing habit and apple scented foliage. Anthemis, Chamomile. From Greek chamos, "ground", melos, "apple." Anthemis is the Greek name for this plant which has a long history, as a flavoring herb and in medicine. Cladanthus, Greek klados, a branch; anthis, a flower; the flowers are at the ends of the branches. The Hebrew name: קחוונית, kahwanit, from Arabic quhuwan ( = Anthemis, camomile).
![]() Location: Netanya, Sergeants Grove |