Rhamnus alaternus, Italian Buckthorn,
Hebrew: אשחר רחב-עלים, Arabic: نبق متبادل الأوراق

Scientific name:  Rhamnus alaternus L.
Common name:  Italian Buckthorn
Hebrew name:   אשחר רחב-עלים
Arabic name:  نبق متبادل الأوراق
Family:  Rhamnaceae, אשחריים

Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres
Location: Hula Nature Reserve

Life form:  Tree
Leaves:  Alternate, entire, smooth
Flowers:  Green
Flowering Period:  February, March, April
Habitat:  Mediterranean maquis and forest
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands
Chorotype:  Mediterranean
Summer shedding:  Perennating

Rhamnus alaternus, Italian Buckthorn, نبق متبادل الأوراق,אשחר רחב-עלים
Location: Hula Nature Reserve

Derivation of the botanical name:
Rhamnus, Greek name for the buckthorn.
alaternus, Latin ala, wing; terni, three each; an ornamental evergreen shrub belonging to the buckthorns.
The Hebrew name: אשחר, ashchar maybe because his black ( = shachor) berries.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.
See the list of Medicinal herbs in Israel, the parts used and their medical uses to treat various diseases.

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