Salvia fruticosa, Salvia triloba,
Greek oregano, Greek sage, Three-lobe sage,
Hebrew: מרווה משולשת, Arabic: اذانه, قصين , ميرمية

Scientific name:  Salvia fruticosa Mill.
Synonym name:  Salvia triloba L.f.
Common name:  Greek oregano, Greek sage, Three-lobe sage
Hebrew name:  מרווה משולשת
Arabic name:  اذانه, قصين , ميرمية
Family:  Labiatae / Lamiaceae, שפתניים

Salvia fruticosa, Salvia triloba, Greek oregano, Greek sage, Three-lobe sage, מרווה משולשת, اذانه, قصين , ميرمية

Life form:  Chamaephyte
Stems:  60 cm high; flower stalks 30 cm above the foliage; covered with hairs
Leaves:  Opposite, entire, dissected once, smooth
Flowers:  Lilach, hermaphrodite, spikes of flowers long, and the worls are generally naked
Fruits / pods:  Nutlets
Flowering Period:  March, April, May, June
Habitat:  Mediterranean maquis and forest
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands
Chorotype:  Mediterranean
Summer shedding:  Perennating

Flowers in Israel, Native plants, Palestine

Derivation of the botanical name:
Salvia, Latin salvere, to save, referring to the long-believed healing properties of salvia. Pliny the Elder was the first known to use the Latin name salvia.
fruticosa, Latin frutex, "a shrub", therefore, shrubby, bushy.
triloba, tri, tres, three; lobus, λοβοϛ Greek: lobe of the ear; late Latin: husk, pod; 3 lobes.
The Israeli botanists Dr. Ephraim and Hanah Hareuveni pointed out that the architecture of the vertical inflorescence of this species of Salvia resembles the shape of the Menorah, in particular—the Salvia Palaestina. Therefore, they suggested that it had inspired the design of the Menorah. Moreover, based on etymology perspectives they suggested that the Hebrew word “Marva, מרווה” (Salvia) was originated from the Hebrew word “Moriah” (the Temple Mount name), reflecting the connection between this plant and the Menorah, which was situated inside the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
  • The standard author abbreviation Mill. is used to indicate Philip Miller (1691 – 1771), a botanist of Scottish descent.
  • The standard author abbreviation L.f. is used to indicate Carolus Linnaeus the Younger (1741 – 1783), a Swedish naturalist.
See the list of Medicinal herbs in Israel, the parts used and their medical uses to treat various diseases.

Flora of Israel online