Scandix verna, Scandix iberica, Shepherd's needle, Venus Comb,
Hebrew: מסרק מזרחי,מסרק איברי, Arabic: مش الراعي

Scientific name:  Scandix verna O.Cohen
Synonym name:  Scandix iberica M. Bieb
Common name:  Shepherd's needle, Venus Comb
Hebrew name:   מסרק מזרחי,מסרק איברי
Arabic name:   مش الراعي
Family:  Umbelliferae / Apiaceae, סוככים

Flora of Israel, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres

Life form:  Therophyte, annual
Stems:  15-30 cm; branching, erect, or spreading, hairy
Leaves:  Alternate, dissected, bipinnate or more
Inflorescence:  Terminal, compound umbel of 3-9 rays
Flowers:  White; style 5-7 times longer than widht of stylopodium; a few large outer petals
Fruits / pods:  Very elongated fruit, fruit tip (remnants of the flower's pistil) divided in two
Flowering Period:   March, April
Habitat:  Batha, Phrygana
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands
Chorotype:  Med - Irano-Turanian
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

Scandix verna, Scandix iberica, Shepherd's needle, Venus Comb, מסרק  מזרחי,מסרק איברי , مش الراعي

Derivation of the botanical name:
Scandix, Greek skandix or skandikos which was used by Aristophanes (ca.456 – ca.386 BCE) and Theophrastus (370 — ca.285 BCE), to chervil, which later became the Latin scandix.
verna, of or belonging to spring.
iberica, of Spain.
The Hebrew name: מסרק, masrek, New Hebrew, Venus’ comb, Scandix; from מסרק compare the English name ‘Venus’ comb’.
  • The standard author abbreviation O.Cohen is used to indicate Ofer Cohen, a botanist, Plant Sciences, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
  • The standard author abbreviation M.Bieb. is used to indicate Friedrich August Marschall von Bieberstein (1768 – 1826), a German naturalist, and explorer.

Flora of Israel online

Scandix verna, Scandix iberica, Shepherd's needle, Venus Comb, מסרק  מזרחי,מסרק איברי , مش الراعي

Israel, Blooming, Flowers, nature