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Scientific name: | Taraxacum cyprium H. Lindb. | |
Synonym name: | Taraxacum megalorrhizon Forssk. | |
Common name: | Cyprus dandelion | |
Hebrew name: | שינן עבה-שורש ,שינן עב-שורש | |
Arabic name: | طرخشقون قبرصي | |
Family: | Compositae / Asteraceae, Sunflower family מורכבים |
![]() Location: Odem Forest, big Guba |
Life form: | Hemicryptophyte, perennial | |
Stems: | Usually erect, sometimes prostrate to ascending (underground stems sometimes woody caudices or rhizomes, sometimes fleshy | |
Leaves: | All basal, rosette, dissected, pinnate | |
Inflorescence: | Capitulum solitary, often flat-topped | |
Flowers: | Hermaphrodite (pollinated by Insects), yellow | |
Fruits / pods: | Achene, a dry single-seeded fruit formed from a double ovary of which only one develops into a seed | |
Flowering Period: | January, April, August, September, October, November, December | |
Habitat: | Batha, Phrygana | |
Distribution: | Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands, Montane vegetation of Mt. Hermon | |
Chorotype: | Mediterranean | |
Summer shedding: | Ephemeral |
![]() Location: Odem Forest, big Guba Derivation of the botanical name: Taraxacum, Greek taraxos, to stir up or exciten, disorder, and akos, remedy. Another possible derivation is from the Arabic name for the dandelion “tarachakum” (meaning wild cherry), “tarakhshaqun” (meaning wild chicory), “tharachschakuh”, “talkh chakok” or “tarashqun” meaning “bitter herb.” cyprium, Cyprian megalorrhizon, μεγαϛ, μεγαλον, large, great; wide; long; before a consonant the 'l' on the root 'megal' was dropped; ριζα, root, stem, origin; large root. The Hebrew name: שינן, shinan, from שן, shen, tooth?
![]() Location: Odem Forest, big Guba ![]() Location: Odem Forest, big Guba Odem means ruby and signifies the red colour of Mount Odem, an extinct volcano. The Odem forest is a beautiful remnant to the great forest that once covered most of the Golan Heights. A "Guba" is a volcanic crater and this one is the biggest out of 23 other ones that are all in the area and its diameter is about 250 meters. |