Trigonella kotschyi, Trigonella hierosolymitana,
Jerusalem Fenugreek,
Hebrew: גרגרנית ירושלים, Arabic: حلبة برية

Scientific name:  Trigonella kotschyi Boiss.
Synonym name:  Trigonella hierosolymitana Boiss.
Common name:  Jerusalem Fenugreek
Hebrew name:  גרגרנית ירושלים
Arabic name:   حلبة برية
Family:  Papilionaceae, פרפרניים

Flora, Israel, Wild Flowers, send flowers online

Life form:  Annual
Stems:  12-20cm
Leaves:  Alternate, compound, trifoliate, dentate or serrate
Flowers:  Inflorescence 10-14 flowers; Yellow
Fruits / pods:  Allantoid-Oblong; yellow with black point; aculeate-Verrucate
Flowering Period:   March, April
Habitat:  Batha, Phrygana
Distribution:  Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Semi-steppe shrublands
Chorotype, טיפוס התפוצה:   Mediterranean
Summer shedding:  Ephemeral

Trigonella kotschyi, Trigonella hierosolymitana, Jerusalem Fenugreek, גרגרנית ירושלים, حلبة برية

Derivation of the botanical name:
Trigonella, a diminutive of the Latin trigonum, "triangle or three-cornered," referring to the corolla of one of the species
kotschyi, named for Carl George Theodor Kotschy (1813 - 1866), an Austrian botanist and explorer.
The Hebrew name: גרגרנית, gargranit ; some claim that the Hebrew name "gargranit" is mentioned in the Jerusalem Talmud as "gadganit." The clover mentioned in the Talmud is, according to modern scholars, identified with the גרגרנית, gargranit (trigonella).
  • The standard author abbreviation Boiss. is used to indicate Pierre Edmond Boissier (1810 – 1885),a Swiss botanist, explorer and mathematician.