zimrat ha'aretz - זמרת הארץ Amygdalus communis

Amygdales communis Amygdalus communis

Pistacia Pistacia

Ceratonia siliqua, Carob tree Ceratonia siliqua

zimrat ha'aretz, זמרת הארץ

'zimrat ha'aretz', can be interpreted as 'the praise of the Land', or as 'the song of the Land'.
'zimrat ha'aretz'are mentioned as the gifts that Jacob sends down to the Egyptian governor (Joseph) to plea for food during a time of drought in the Land of Israel:
ויאמר אלהם ישראל אביהם אם כן אפוא זאת עשו"
קחו מזמרת הארץ בכליכם והורידו לאיש מנחה
מעט צרי ומעט דבש נכאת ולט בטנים ושקדים "
בראשית מג יא
Genesis 43:11

Then their father Israel said to them, "If it must be so, then do this:
take some of the choice fruits of the land in your bags, and carry a present down to the man, a little balm and a little honey, gum, myrrh, pistachio nuts, and almonds".

The honey referred to in the Bible was made from various fruits: dates, grapes, figs and carobs.
Carob Honey was quite widely used at the time, even during a drought.
Others say that the reference here is to date or bee's honey.
Bee honey was also consumed in ancient times, harvested from both wild sources and cultivated in hives.
In classical Hebrew botnim referred to the fruit of the botnah tree, that is the pistachio tree, Pistacia vera, or in Hebrew: elat habotnah, אלת הבטנה או אלה אמיתית.
There are at least three wild species of almond tree in Israel: the Amygdalus communis (שקד מצוי), Amygdalus ramonensis (שקד הרמון) and the Amygdalus arabica (שקד ערבי).
The Almond tree is referred to in the Bible as "Shaked", meaning "hasten".

LINK: Ceratonia siliqua, Carobtree (Hebrew: Haruv, חרוב)

LINK: Amygdalus communis,the Almond (Hebrew: Shaked, שקד, Arabic: بادام)

Amygdalus communis
Amygdalus communis