Tecoma castanifolia, Bignonia castaneifolia,
Chestnutleaf Trumpet Bush, Gaudichaudi,
Hebrew: דק פרי ערמוני, Arabic: تيكومة كستنائية الأوراق

Scientific name:  Tecoma castanifolia (D.Don) Melch.
Synonym name:  Bignonia castaneifolia (D.Don) DC., Bignonia serrata, Delostoma stenolobium, Stenolobium castanifolium, Stenolobium stans var. castanifolium, Tecoma gaudichaudi DC
English name:  Chestnutleaf Trumpet Bush, Gaudichaudi
Hebrew name:  דק פרי ערמוני
Arabic name:  تيكومة كستنائية الأوراق
Family:   Bignoniaceae, Trumpet-creeper family, ביגנוניים

Tecoma castanifolia, Chestnutleaf Trumpet Bush, Gaudichaudi, דק פרי ערמוני, تيكومة كستنائية الأوراق

Life form:  Evergreen spreading erect tree
Spinescence:  no
Succulence:  no
Stems:  Up to 5m, diameter 4m
Leaves:  Opposite, simple-leaved, digitate opposite, lanceolate leaflets are serrulate and petiolate
Inflorescence:  Terminal dense racemes or panicles
Flowers:  Yellow bell-shaped flowers
Fruits / pods:  Loculicidal capsules
Flowering Period:  Fall, Winter, Spring
Habitat:  Disturbed areas; Urban / peri-urban areas
Distribution:  Ornamental garden and street tree
Chorotype:  Ecuador
Summer shedding:  Perennating

Tecoma castanifolia, Chestnutleaf Trumpet Bush, Gaudichaudi, דק פרי ערמוני, تيكومة كستنائية الأوراق

Derivation of the botanical name:
Tecoma, originates from the Mexican name tecomaxochitl, which is given by the local people to all those plants with flowers that are tubular, or trumpet-like or shiplike, etc.
castanifolia, chestnut leaved.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.

Tecoma castanifolia, Chestnutleaf Trumpet Bush, Gaudichaudi, דק פרי ערמוני, تيكومة كستنائية الأوراق