Martha's exotic Backyard in Israel

Turnera ulmifolia, Ramgoat dashalong, Yellow Buttercups,
Yellow Alder, Sage Rose, טורנרה בוקיצתית

Scientific name:  Turnera ulmifolia L.
Common name:  Ramgoat dashalong, Yellow Buttercups, Yellow Alder, Sage Rose
Hebrew name:  טורנרה בוקיצתית
Family:   Passifloraceae, Passion flower family, שעוניתיים

Turnera ulmifolia, Ramgoat dashalong, Yellow Buttercups, Yellow Alder, Sage Rose, טורנרה בוקיצתית

Life form:  Perennial shrub
Stems:  60-90 cm high
Leaves:  Opposite/subopposite, simple, ovate, finely-toothed margin; pinnate venation; two small glands at the base of the leaf blade
Inflorescence:  Solitary flower
Flowers:  5 sepals, 5 slightly fringed yellow petals,5 pollen-bearing stamens, 1 female pistil; usually with 2 small bracts (bracteoles)
Fruits / pods:  Capsule
Flowering Period:  Blooms repeatedly
Habitat:  Disturbed sites and cultivated areas
Native:  Caribbean and Mexique

Turnera ulmifolia, Ramgoat dashalong, Yellow Buttercups, Yellow Alder, Sage Rose, טורנרה בוקיצתית

Derivation of the botanical name:
Turnera, named in honor of William Turner (1508 - 1568), known as the Father of English Botany because he wrote the first plant catalogues, Herbals, in English instead of Latin.
ulmifolia, derived from the leaf's similarity in shape to the leaves of the elm (ulm) tree.
  • The standard author abbreviation L. is used to indicate Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, the father of modern taxonomy.

Turnera ulmifolia, Ramgoat dashalong, Yellow Buttercups, Yellow Alder, Sage Rose, טורנרה בוקיצתית

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