Flowers in Apollonia National Park.

Directions: From Tel Aviv take Route number 2 north, until the Kfar Shmaryahu exit.
Following the exit ramp turn left (west) and follow the brown signs Tel Arsuf or Apollonia.
The park is open 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

These photos were taken February 20, 2007 when the flowers were starting to bloom.

Flowers in Israel
Apollonia is situated on the kurkar ridge that stretches the length of the Sharon coast.
This "kurkar" ridge is a calcareous sandstone (eolianite sandstone), red loam and sand.
The flora in this vicinity is influenced by the strong winds bearing salt from the sea, the kurkar and the sand that covers everything.
The plants growing there are highly resistant to the salt spray and sandy cover.

Apollonia National Park - גן לאומי אפולוניה
Anagallis arvensis, Scarlet Pimpernel, מרגנית השדה

Flowers in Israel
Atriplex halimus,Shrubby Saltbush, מלוח קיפח

פרחים בישראל
Chrysanthemum coronarium, Crown Daisy, חרצית עטורה

Flowers in Israel
Hyoscyamu aureus, Golden Henbane, שיכרון זהוב

פרחים בישראל
Limonium sinuatum, Cut-Leaf Sea-Lavender, עדעד כחול

Flowers in Israel
Lycium europaeum, European Wolfberry, אטד אירופי

Flowers in Israel
Malva sylvestris, Wood Mallow, חלמית גדולה

Flowers in Israel
Mesembryanthemum acinacifolium, Hottentot Fig-marigold, אהל האצבעות

Flowers in Israel
Oenothera drummondii, Evening-primrose, נר-הלילה החופי