Amaranthus viridis
 Aerva javanica
 Achyranthes aspera
Class Dicotyledoneae, dicots, מחלקה דו-פסיגיים
Family Amaranthaceae
Amaranth Family, משפחת ירבוזיים
Herbs or rarely small shrubs; leaves alternate or opposite, entire, no stipules; bracteoles 2-5; usually bracteate inflorescenses, thight clusters of flowers enclosed by 3 colored bracts and whithout any petals; 4 or 5 sepals, no petals, 4 or 5 stamens; ovary superior, matures as capsule.
Genus Amaranthus, ירבוז:
Genus Aerva, לבד:
Genus Digera, דיגרה
Genus Achyranthes, רב-מוץ:
Genus Alternanthera, בצן