Boerhavia repens
 Bougainvillea glabra
Class Dicotyledoneae, dicots, מחלקה דו-פסיגיים
Family Nyctaginaceae,
Four o'clock family, משפחת לילניים
Herbs, shrubs, or or woody climbers.
Leaves simple, entire, exstipulate, usually opposite leaves. Flowers solitary or in small umbels.
Tubular flowers with 5 colored sepals and no petals; 5 stamens (sometimes 1 to 3); ovary superior, consists of 1 carpel. It matures as an achene.
Various cultivars and hybrids of Boungainvillea are extensively planted for ornament.
Notable genera and distinguishing features:
- Boerhavia - anthocarp 3-5 ribbed, glabrous or glandular pubescent.
- Bougainvillea - involucre of 3 strikingly coloured bracts (seldom greenish).
- Commicarpus - anthocarp with several conspicuous wart-like viscid glands.
Genus Boerhavia, בורביה:
Genus Bougainvillea, בוגנוויליה:
Genus Commicarpus, בלוטנית