Urtica membranacea, Urtica caudata, Urtica dubia,Membranous Nettle, قريص غشائي , סרפד קרומי
Urtica membranacea

Urtica pilulifera, Urtica dodartii, Roman nettle , סרפד הכדורים, حريق
Urtica pilulifera

Class Dicotyledoneae, dicots, מחלקה דו-פסיגיים

Family Urticaceae,
Nettle Family, משפחה סרפדיים

Herbs with simple, usually opposite leaves; stems, sometimes squarish, usually hairy; flowers, unisexual with male and female flowers on same or different plants, in string-like clusters from the leaf axils; 4 or 5 sepals, 0 petals, 4 to 5 stamens; the ovary is positioned superior and consists of 1 carpel; fruit, an achene.

Genus Urtica, סרפד: Genus Parietaria, כתלית
Genus Forsskaolea, פורסקולאה

Urtica urens, Small nettle, Dwarf stinger, Dog nettle, احريق,סרפד צורב,פרחים בישראל, תמונות
Urtica urens

Flowers of Israel - Plant Family Urticaceae, Nettle Family, משפחה סרפדיים