Class Dicotyledoneae, dicots, מחלקה דו-פסיגיים
Family Tamaricaceae,
Tamarisk Family, משפחה אשליים
Shrubs, subshrubs, or trees. Leaves small, mostly scale-like, alternate, estipulate, usually sessile, mostly with salt-secreting glands; flowers usually in racemes or panicles, rarely solitary, usually hermaphroditic, regular; calyx 4- or 5-fid, persistent; petals 4 or 5, free; stamens 4, 5, or more numerous; the ovary is positioned superior and consists 2-5 carpels; fruit, conic capsule; seeds numerous, hairy throughout or awned at apex.
Genus Genus Reaumuria, אשליל:
Genus Tamarix, אשל:
- Tamarix aphylla, Tamarix articulate, Athel tree, Athel tamarisk,אשל הפרקים
- Tamarix jordanis, Jordan Tamarisk, אשל הירדן
- Tamarix nilotica, Nile tamarisk, אשל היאור
- Tamarix parviflora, Saltcedar, Smallflower tamarisk, אשל קטן פרחים
- Tamarix tetragyna, Four-stamen tamarisk, Saltcedar, אשל מרובע , أثل رباعي الأخبية
 Tamarix parviflora
 Tamarix tetragyna