Cistus incanus
 Cistus salviifolius
 Helianthemum stipulatum
 Helianthemum vesicarium
Class Dicotyledoneae, dicots, מחלקה דו-פסיגיים
Family Cistaceae,
Rockrose Family, משפחת הלטמיים
Shrubs, subshrubs or herbs; diverse hair types on the calyx, stem and leaf;
flower with three large sepals and two smaller or absent sepals; usually five separate petals, but sometimes fewer; numerous stamens, and all these parts are attached at the base of the ovary. Ovary superior with three carpels.
Genus Cistus, לוטם:
Genus Tuberaria, שמשונית:
Genus Fumana, לטמית:
 Fumana arabica
 Fumana thymifolia