Cyclamen persicum
 Anagallis arvensis
Class Dicotyledoneae, dicots, מחלקה דו-פסיגיים
Family Primulaceae,
Primrose Family, משפחה רקפתיים
Leaves, usually basal or opposite; flowers, bisexual, regular, 5 sepals united at the base, 5 petals united at the base (sometimes separate), 5 stamens positioned opposite from petals; the ovary is positioned superior or partly inferior and consists of 5 united carpels; fruit, a capsule with one to numerous seeds, sometimes the capsule is circumscissile (lidded capsule).
Genus Primula,בכור-אביב
Genus Androsace,אנדרוסק
Genus Cyclamen, רקפת:
Genus Lysimachia,ליסימכיה
Genus Asterolinon,זעריר
Genus Anagallis, מרגנית:
Genus Samolus,ערידת