Calendula arvensis, Calendula aegyptiaca, Field Marigold, أزريون ,צפורני-חתול מצויות
Calendula arvensis

Cardopatium corymbosum, Black chamoeleon,נעצוצית סבוכה
Cardopatium corymbosum

Carduus argentatus, Silver Thistle, קרדה מכסיפה,خِرْفَيْش صَغير; شَوْك عَنْتَر; قَرْدوس فِضّي
Carduus argentatus

Carduus australis, Carduus pycnocephala, Italian thistle,لسان غليظ الرأس  ,קרדה  דרומית
Carduus australis

Carthamus glaucus, Carthamus syriacus, Kentrophyllum syriacum,  Distaff Thistle, Glaucous Star Thistle, קורטם מכחיל , عصفر
Carthamus glaucus

Carthamus tenuis, Kentrophyllum tenue, Slender safflower, קורטם דק
Carthamus tenuis

Centaurea crocodylium, Centaurea heterocarpa, Blush Centaury-thistle, القنطريون التمساحي, דרדר גדול-פרחים
Centaurea crocodylium

Centaurea cyanoides, Syrian Cornflower-thistle, Knapweed, القنطريون الكحلي, דרדר כחול
Centaurea cyanoides

Centaurea hyalolepis, Centaurea pallescens, דרדר קרומי, مرار شفافي
Centaurea hyalolepis

Centaurea iberica, Iberian knapweed, Spanish Centaury-thistle, القنطريون الأيبيري, דרדר מצוי
Centaurea iberica

Centaurea procurrens, Centaurea araneosa, Calcitrapa araneosa, Calcitrapa procurrens, Procumbent Centaury-thist, דרדר הקורים, قَنْطُرْيون مُـمْتَدّ
Centaurea procurrens

Chiliadenus iphionoides, Varthemia iphionoides, Goldy-Locks, كتيلة, صفيرا,כתלה חריפה
Chiliadenus iphionoides

Chrysanthemum coronarium, Crown Daisy, חרצית עטורה,  أقحوان كبير ,  بسباس ,  بسوم
Chrysanthemum coronarium

Chrysanthemum segetum, Glebionis segetum, Corn Marigold, Yellow cornflower, חרצית השדות
Chrysanthemum segetum

Chrysanthemum viscosum, Heteranthemis viscidehirta, Sand chrysanthemum, Sticky oxeye, חרצית דביקה
Chrysanthemum viscosum

Cichorium endivia, Cichorium pumilum, Dwarf Chicory, علك ، هندباء برية, עולש מצוי
Cichorium endivia

Class Dicotyledoneae, dicots, מחלקה דו-פסיגיים

Family Asteraceae / Compositae C,
Sunflower Family משפחה מורכבים

The Aster or Sunflower Family is the second largest family of flowering plants; most usually herbs, but some shrubs, trees and climbers do exist.Plants of the family are composites of many small flowers in a disk-like flowerhead, each producing one seed; bisexual, bracts, two or more rows of bracts (modified leaves) beneath the flowers; the true sepals have been reduced to small scales, or often transformed into a hairy "pappus", or sometimes eliminated altogether; each disk flower, 5 united petals to form a corolla tube; 5 stamens, the filaments fused to the corolla, while the anthers are generally connate; pistil is made of two connate carpels; the ovary is positioned inferior and has one ovule; fruit an achene, one seed per fruit; each big petal, that ring the outside of the flower head, is called a "ray flower", often infertile, without stamens or a pistil, its petals are fused together and hanging to one side.
Asteraceae / Compositae will have either disk flowers or ray flowers, or both.


1 out of 5 albums of the Asteraceae Family
2 out of 5 albums (letter C)
3 out of 5 albums (letter D-L)
4 out of 5 albums (letter M-R)
5 out of 5 albums (letter S-Z)

Genus Calendula, צפרני-חתול: Genus Cardopatium, נעצוצית: Genus Carduncellus, קרדנית
Genus Carduus, קרדה: Genus Carlina,
Genus Carthamus, קרטם: Genus Catananche, אזן-גדי
Genus Centaurea, דרדר: Genus Cephalorrhynchus, חסנית
Genus Chardinia, שרדיניה
Genus Chiliadenus, כתלה: Genus Chlamydophora, אזנן
Genus Chondrilla, כונדרילה
Genus Chrysanthemum, חרצית: Genus Cichorium, עלש: Genus Cirsium, קוצן
Genus Cnicu, קרצף
Genus Cotula, קוטולה
Genus Cousinia, קוסיניה
Genus Crepis, ניסנית: Genus Conyza, קיצת: Genus Crupina, דרדית: Genus Cynara, קנרס:

Crepis aculeata, Barkhausia aculeata, Crepis pungens, ניסנית שיכנית
Crepis aculeata

Israel, flowers, Crepis aspera, Hawk's beard, ניסנית זיפנית ,ةيرفص
xCrepis aspera

Israel wildflowers, Crepis sancta,Lagoseris obovata, Lagoseris obovata, Holy's Hawk's-beard,ניסנית דו קרנית,  حوذان , صفيره
Crepis sancta

Conyza bonariensis, Erigeron crispus, Flax-leaved Fleabane, Hairy Fleabane, Asthmaweed, South American Horseweed, Horseweed, ازنيوك ,קייצת מסולסלת
Conyza bonariensis

Israel flowers, Conyza canadensis, Erigeron canadensis, Canadian Horseweed, Canadian Fleabane, קייצת קנדית
Conyza canadensis

Crupina crupinastrum, Southern Crupina, False Saw-wort, דרדית מצויה,اينيبورك
Crupina crupinastrum

Cynara syriaca, Wild Artichoke, Syrian Wild Artichoke, حَرْشَف سوري; خُرْفَيْش الحَمير ,קנרס סורי
Cynara syriaca

Israel - Famílias botânicas: Asteraceae: 2 out of 5 albums of the Asteraceae Family,משפחת המורכבים,Family Asteraceae, Compositae, Sunflower Family, Calendula arvensis, Field Marigold, צפורני-חתול מצויות,Cardopatium corymbosum, Black chamoeleon,נעצוצית סבוכה,Carduus argentatus, Silver Thistle, קרדה מכסיפה,Carduus australis, Carduus pycnocephala, Thistle, קרדה  דרומית,Centaurea crocodylium, Blush Centaury-thistle, דרדר גדול-פרחים,Centaurea cyanoides, Syrian Cornflower-thistle, Knapweed, דרדר כחול,Centaurea iberica, Spanish Centaury-thistle, דרדר מצוי,Centaurea procurens, Procumbent Centaury-thist, דרדר הקורים,Chiliadenus iphionoides, Goldy Locks, شيله، آتبله,כתלה חריפה, Chrysanthemum coronarium, Crown Daisy, רצית עטורה,Chrysanthemum coronarium, Crown Daisy, רצית עטורהChrysanthemum coronarium, Crown Daisy, רצית עטורה,Chrysanthemum segetum, Corn Marigold, Yellow cornflower, חרצית השדות,Chrysanthemum viscosum, Chrysanthemum , חרצית דביקה,Cichorium endivia, Dwarf Chicory, עולש מצוי,Crepis aspera, Hawk's beard, ניסנית זיפנית,Crepis sancta,Lagoseris obovata, Lagoseris obovata, Holy's Hawk's-beard, ניסנית דו קרנית,Conyza bonariensis, Erigeron crispus, Horseweed, קייצת מסולסלת,Crupina crupinastrum, Southern Crupina, False Saw-wort, רדית מצויה,سیاه‌فندق اصلی یا سیاه‌دانه,Cynara syriaca, Wild Artichoke, קינרס סורי