Class Dicotyledoneae, dicots, מחלקה דו-פסיגיים
Family Asteraceae / Compositae C,
Sunflower Family משפחה מורכבים
The Aster or Sunflower Family is the second largest family of flowering plants; most usually herbs, but some shrubs, trees and climbers do exist.Plants of the family are composites of many small flowers in a disk-like flowerhead, each producing one seed; bisexual, bracts, two or more rows of bracts (modified leaves) beneath the flowers; the true sepals have been reduced to small scales, or often transformed into a hairy "pappus", or sometimes eliminated altogether; each disk flower, 5 united petals to form a corolla tube; 5 stamens, the filaments fused to the corolla, while the anthers are generally connate; pistil is made of two connate carpels; the ovary is positioned inferior and has one ovule; fruit an achene, one seed per fruit; each big petal, that ring the outside of the flower head, is called a "ray flower", often infertile, without stamens or a pistil, its petals are fused together and hanging to one side. Asteraceae / Compositae will have either disk flowers or ray flowers, or both.
1 out of 5 albums of the Asteraceae Family
2 out of 5 albums (letter C)
3 out of 5 albums (letter D-L)
4 out of 5 albums (letter M-R)
5 out of 5 albums (letter S-Z)
Genus Calendula, צפרני-חתול:
Genus Cardopatium, נעצוצית:
Genus Carduncellus, קרדנית
Genus Carduus, קרדה:
Genus Carlina,
Genus Carthamus, קרטם:
Genus Catananche, אזן-גדי
Genus Centaurea, דרדר:
- Centaurea crocodylium, Blush Centaury-thistle, דרדר גדול-פרחים
- Centaurea cyanoides, Syrian Cornflower-thistle, Knapweed, דרדר כחול
- Centaurea hyalolepis, Centaurea pallescens, Knapweed, Cornflower, דרדר קרומי
- Centaurea iberica, Spanish Centaury-thistle, דרדר מצוי
- Centaurea procurens, Procumbent Centaury-thist, דרדר הקורים
Genus Cephalorrhynchus, חסנית
Genus Chardinia, שרדיניה
Genus Chiliadenus, כתלה:
Genus Chlamydophora, אזנן
Genus Chondrilla, כונדרילה
Genus Chrysanthemum, חרצית:
Genus Cichorium, עלש:
Genus Cirsium, קוצן
Genus Cnicu, קרצף
Genus Cotula, קוטולה
Genus Cousinia, קוסיניה
Genus Crepis, ניסנית:
- Crepis aculeata, Barkhausia aculeata, Crepis pungens,سَراغَة شائكَة ,ניסנית שיכנית
- Crepis aspera, Hawk's beard, ניסנית זיפנית
- Crepis sancta,Lagoseris obovata, Lagoseris obovata, Holy's Hawk's-beard, ניסנית דו קרנית
Genus Conyza, קיצת:
Genus Crupina, דרדית:
Genus Cynara, קנרס:
 Crepis aculeata
 xCrepis aspera
 Crepis sancta
 Conyza bonariensis
 Conyza canadensis
 Crupina crupinastrum
 Cynara syriaca