Class Dicotyledoneae, dicots, מחלקה דו-פסיגיים
Family Asteraceae / Compositae S-Z
Sunflower Family, משפחת המורכבים
The Aster or Sunflower Family is the second largest family of flowering plants; most usually herbs, but some shrubs, trees and climbers do exist.Plants of the family are composites of many small flowers in a disk-like flowerhead, each producing one seed; bisexual, bracts, two or more rows of bracts (modified leaves) beneath the flowers; the true sepals have been reduced to small scales, or often transformed into a hairy "pappus", or sometimes eliminated altogether; each disk flower, 5 united petals to form a corolla tube; 5 stamens, the filaments fused to the corolla, while the anthers are generally connate; pistil is made of two connate carpels; the ovary is positioned inferior and has one ovule; fruit an achene, one seed per fruit; each big petal, that ring the outside of the flower head, is called a "ray flower", often infertile, without stamens or a pistil, its petals are fused together and hanging to one side. Asteraceae / Compositae will have either disk flowers or ray flowers, or both.
1 out of 5 albums of the Asteraceae Family
2 out of 5 albums (letter C)
3 out of 5 albums (letter D-L)
4 out of 5 albums (letter M-R)
Genus Scolymus, חוח:
Genus Scorzonera, הרדפנין:
Genus Senecio, סביון:
- Senecio glaucus,Senecio desfontainei,Buck's horn groundsel, סביון הערבות
- Senecio joppensis, Jaffa Groundsel, סביון יפו
- Senecio vernalis, Spring Groundsel, סביון אביבי
- Senecio vulgaris,Senecio dunensis, Senecio radiatus, Common Butterweed, Common Groundsel, Old-man-in-the-spring, סביון פשוט, الشيخة الشائعة
Genus Serratula, קרקפן
Genus Siebera, זיברה
Genus Silybum, גדילן:
Genus Sonchus, מרור:
Genus Tagetes, טגטס
Genus Tanacetum, בן-חרצית:
Genus Taraxacum, שנן:
Genus Tolpis, קיטה
Genus Tragopogon, זקן-תיש:
Genus Tripleurospermum, בבונגית
Genus Tripteris, שלש-כנפות
Genus Urospermum, אזנב:
Genus Verbesina, כנפון:
Genus Volutaria, ישימונית
Genus Xanthium, לכיד:
Genus Xeranthemum, יבשוש
Genus Zoegea, זגאה
 Tragopogon coelesyriacus
 Urospermum picroides
 Verbesina encelioides
 Xanthium italicum, Xanthium strumarium