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The White Wildflowers gallery

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Nymphaea, Israel, white wild flowers
Nymphaea alba
White Water-Lily
נימפיאה לבנה
زنبق الماء

Oldenlandia capensis, Israel, white wild flowers
Oldenlandia capensis
Karamyschewia hedyotoides
Theyodis octodon
אולדנית הכף

Orchis galilaea, Israel, white wild flowers
Orchis galilaea
Galilee orchid
סחלב הגליל

Origanum syriacum, Israel, white wild flowers
Origanum syriacum
Majorana syriaca
Wild marjoram
Esov, אזוב
Arabic Za'atar

Origanum vulgare, Israel, white wild flowers
Origanum vulgare
Wild marjoram
Greek Oregano
אזובית פשוטה
زعتر, صعتر

Ormenis mixta, Israel, white wild flowers
Ormenis mixta
Chamaemelum mixtum
Weedy dogfennel
Simple-leaved chamomile
קחוונית מצויה

Ornithogalum lanceolatum, Israel, white wild flowers
Ornithogalum lanceolatum
Star of Bethlehem
אזמלני נץ-חלב

Ornithogalum montanum, Israel, white wild flowers
Ornithogalum montanum
Mountain Star-of-Bethlehem
נץ-חלב הררי

Ornithogalum narbonense, Israel, white wild flowers
Ornithogalum narbonense
Narbonne Star-of-Bethlehem
נץ-חלב צרפתי

Ornithogalum trichophyllum, Israel, white wild flowers
Ornithogalum trichophyllum
Fine-Leaved Star-of-Bethlehem
נץ-חלב דק-עלים

Pancratium maritimum, Israel, white wild flowers
Pancratium maritimum
Sea daffodil
Hebrew: חבצלת החוף;
Arabic: susan al bahr

Paronychia argentea, Israel, white wild flowers
Paronychia argentea
Silver nailroot
Silvery Whitlow Wort
אלמוות הכסף
رجل الحمامة

Plantago afra, Israel, white wild flowers
Plantago afra, Plantago psyllium
African plantain, Black psyllium
Fleawort, Glandular Plantain
לחך בלוטי

Plantago albicans, Israel, white wild flowers
Plantago albicans
Woolly plantain
לחך מלבין

Plantago lagopus, Israel, white wild flowers
Plantago lagopus
Mediterranean Plantain
Hare's Foot Plantain
לחך מצוי

Plantago lanceolata, Israel, white wild flowers
Plantago lanceolata
English plantain
לחך איזמלני

Plantago ovata, Israel, white wild flowers
Plantago ovata
Ovate Plantain
לחך סגלגל

Polycarpon succulentum, Israel, white wild flowers
Polycarpon succulentum
Polycarpon arabicum
רב-פרי בשרני

Polygonum aviculare, Israel, white wild flowers
Polygonum aviculare
Polygonum arenastrum
Common knotweed
ארכובית הציפורים

Polygonum equisetiforme, Israel, white wild flowers
Polygonum equisetiforme
Horsetail Knotweed
ארכובית שבטבטית

Polygonum palaestinum, Israel, white wild flowers
Polygonum palaestinum
Horsetail knotweed
ארכובית ארץ-ישראלית

Prasium majus, Israel, white wild flowers
Prasium majus
White Hedge-nettle
Great Hedge-nettle
פרסיון גדול

Prosopis farcta, Israel, white wild flowers
Prosopis farcta
Dwarf Mesquite
ינבוט השדה

Amydales communis, Flowers, Israel
Prunus dulcis
Prunus amygdalus
Amygdalus communis
Common Almond
שקד מצוי

Amydales communis, Flowers, Israel
Prunus korschinskii
Amygdalus korschinskii
Wild Almond
שקד קטן-עלים
خوخ كورشنسكي

Prunus cerasus, Israel, white wild flowers
Prunus cerasus
Sour Cherry

Prunus ursina, Israel, white wild flowers
Prunus ursina
Bear's Plum
שזיף הדוב

Pseudorlaya pumila, Daucus pumilus, Caucalis pumila, Orlaya maritima, Maritime bastard parsley, Small Carrot, גזרנית החוף
Pseudorlaya pumila
Daucus pumilus
Maritime bastard parsley
Small Carrot
גזרנית החוף

Pyrus syriaca, Israel, white wild flowers
Pyrus syriaca
Syrian Pear
אגס סורי

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