Flora of lakes, streams, swamps and seasonable winter ponds
In the Mediterranean region, the banks are covered by thickets of Rubus edged by Arundo, Phragmites, Lythrum, Melilotus, and Mentha along the water's edge and Persicaria inside the water.

Rubus sanguineus, Rubus sanctus, Holy Bramble, Blackberry, Hebrew: פטל קדוש, Arabic: العليق المقدس

Arundo donax, Cyprus cane, Hebrew: עבקנה שכיח, Arabic: ضيبا صوب

Phragmites australis, Phragmites communis, Common Reed, Hebrew: קנה מצוי, Arabic: ليخن حلبلا

Alopecurus arundinaceus, Alopecurus ventricosus, Reed Foxtail, Creeping Foxtail, Creeping Meadow Foxtail, Hebrew: זנב-שועל ביצתי, Arabic: الثعلبية القصبية

Lythrum junceum, Lytrum flexuosum, Lythrum graefferi, False grass-poly, Creeping Loosestrife, Hebrew: שנית מתפתלת, Arabic: فرندل أسلي

Lythrum salicaria, Purple Loosestrife, Purple lythrum, Rainbow weed, Spiked loosestrife, Hebrew: שנית גדולה

Melissa officinalis, Lemon Balm, Sweet Balm, Balm leaf, Hebrew: מליסה רפואית, Arabic: ريحان الليمون

Mentha longifolia, Mentha sylvestris, Biblical mint, Horse mint, Wild mint, Silver mint, Hebrew: נענע משובלת, Arabic: نعنع بري

Adiantum capillus-veneris, Southern maidenhair fern, Hebrew: שערות שולמית, Arabic: كزبرة البئر
The northern Hula Valley and the Upper Galilee also have remnants of the historical riparian forests, which include Salix, Tamarix, Platanus, Fraxinus and Populus.

Salix alba, White willow, Swallow tailed willow, Hebrew: ערבה לבנה, Arabic: الصفصاف الأبيض
A riparian tree

Tamarix jordanis, Jordan Tamarisk, طرفه، أثل ,אשל הירדן

Tamarix tetragyna, Four-stamen tamarisk, Saltcedar, Hebrew: אשל מרובע, Arabic: أثل رباعي الأخبية

Platanus orientalis, Oriental Plane Tree, Hebrew: דולב מזרחי, Arabic: الدلب المشرقي

Fraxinus syriaca, Syrian Ash-tree, Hebrew: מילה סורית, Arabic: ددردار

Populus euphratica, Euphrates Poplar, Hebrew: צפצפת הפרת, Arabic: الحَوْر الفراتي
The Central Coastal Plain with Butomus umbellatus, Eleocharis palustris, Scirpus maritimus; the winter pools have mainly replaced the historical swamps.

Butomus umbellatus, Flowering Rush, Hebrew: בוציץ סוככני, Arabic: البوطي الخيمي

Eleocharis palustris, Creeping spike rush, Hebrew: בצעוני מצוי, Arabic: بربيت المستنقع

Scirpus maritimus, Bolboschoenus maritimus, Scirpus tuberosus, Cosmopolitan bulrush, Prairie Rush, Sea Clubrush, Alkalai bulrush, Hebrew: אגמון ימי, Arabic: الديس البحري
Toward the south the vegetation becomes more halophilic ("salt-loving"), mainly comprising thickets of Tamarix, Pluchea, Arundo, Phragmites, Atriplex, and Juncus, characteristic also for the shores of the Dead Sea.

Pluchea dioscoridis, Conyza dioscoridis, Baccharis dioscoridis, Ploughmans spikenard, Marsh fleabane, Hebrew: פלגית שיחנית, Arabic: فونرب

Arundo donax, Cyprus cane, Hebrew: עבקנה שכיח, Arabic: ضيبا صوب

Phragmites australis, Phragmites communis, Common Reed, Hebrew: קנה מצוי, Arabic: ليخن حلبلا

Atriplex halimus, Sea Purslane, Shrubby Orache, Shrubby Saltbush, Hebrew: מלוח קיפח, Arabic: قطف، رغل،

Juncus acutus, Juncus littoralis, Juncus spinosus, Spiny Rush, Sharp rush, Hebrew: סמר חד, Arabic: رامس رم
The aquatic flora of Israel is rich and variable, although many water plants have a very restricted distribution.

Epilobium hirsutum, great willowherb, great hairy willowherb, Hebrew: ערברבה שעירה, Arabic: سنفية مشعرة

Nerium oleander, Oleander, Hebrew: הרדוף הנחלים, Arabic: دفلة

Nuphar lutea, Yellow Pond-lily, Hebrew: נופר צהוב , Arabic: نينوفر أصفر

Oenothera drummondii, Beach evening primrose, Hebrew: נר-הלילה החופי, Arabic: الأخدرية

Pancratium maritimum, Sea daffodil, Sea pancratium lily, Hebrew: חבצלת החוף, Arabic: نرجس بحري