Martha's exotic Backyard in Israel

An introduced species of flowers (also known as naturalized species or exotic species) can be a plant that is not native to a given location
but instead has been accidentally or deliberately introduced to a new location by human activity or by natural means.
Tropical Flowers are those species of flowers that are native to the tropics, the region of the Earth centered on the equator
and limited in latitude by the Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere, at approximately 23°30' (23.5°) N latitude,
and the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere at 23°30' (23.5°) S latitude.

All tropical flowers are thus exotic to Israel. But not necessarily all exotic flowers are tropical flowers!

Some of the exotic flowers in my backyard

Acanthus mollis, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Acanthus mollis
Bear's Breeches
קוציץ רך

Acokanthera oppositifolia, Poison Bush, Bushman's Poison, אקוקנטרה
Acokanthera oppositifolia
Poison Bush
Bushman's Poison

Adansonia digitata, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Adansonia digitata
Adansonia bahobab
African baobab
Upside-down Tree
עץ הבאובב , אדנסוניה מאוצבעת
تبلدي إصبعي

Adenium obesum, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Adenium obesum
Adenium coetaneum
Adenium honghel
Nerium obesum
Desert-rose, Impala-lily
אדונית המדבר, ורד המדבר
نبتة العدنة

Agapanthus africanus, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Agapanthus africanus
Lily-of-the-Nile, African lily
אגפנתוס אפריקני

Aloe maculata, Aloe saponaria, Aloe latifolia, Aloe leptophylla, Broadleaf aloe, Soap Aloe, Zebra Aloe or African Aloe, אלוי סבוני
Aloe maculata, Aloe saponaria
Aloe latifolia, Aloe leptophylla
Broadleaf aloe, Soap Aloe
Zebra Aloe, African Aloe
אלוי סבוני

Araucaria heterophylla, Araucaria excelsa, Norfolk Island pine, אראוקריה רמה
Araucaria heterophylla
Araucaria excelsa
Norfolk Island pine
אראוקריה רמה

Asparagus meyeri, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Asparagus meyeri
Asparagus densiflorus 'Meyersii'
Foxtail Fern
אספרגוס מאירי

Bauhinia variegata, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Bauhinia variegata
Bauhinia chinensis
Orchid Tree
בוהיניה מגוונת

Billbergia nutans, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Billbergia nutans
Angel Tears
Queen's Tears
Friendship plant

Bombax ceiba, Bombax malabaricum, Gossampinus malabarica, Salmalia malabarica, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Bombax ceiba
Bombax malabaricum
Gossampinus malabarica
Salmalia malabarica
Red Silk Cotton Tree, Kapok Tree
בומבק הודי ,בומבק צייבה

Bougainvillea glabra, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Bougainvillea glabra
Paper Flower
lesser bougainvillea

Brachychiton rupestris, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Brachychiton rupestris
Queensland Bottle Tree
ברכיכיטון הסלעים

Brachychiton discolor, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Brachychiton discolor
ברכיכיטון דו-גוני

Brugmansia suaveolens, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Brugmansia suaveolens
Datura suaveolens
Angel's trumpets

Caryota mitis, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Caryota mitis, Caryota griffithii
Caryota sobolifera
Burmese fishtail palm
Clustered fishtail palm
Tufted fishtail palm
דקל זנב דג, Nakhlat câryôtâ

Ceiba pentandra, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Ceiba pentandra
Eriodendron anfractuosum
White Silk Cotton Tree
Kapok Tree
צייבה מחומשת
قابوق خماسي الأسدية

Chorisia insignis, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Chorisia insignis
Ceiba insignis
White Silk Floss Tree
"כוריזיה בקבוקית,"העץ השיכור

Cassia fistula, exoticflowers, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Cassia fistula
Bactyrilobium fistula
Golden rain tree
כסיית האבוב
خيار شمبر

Cascabela thevetia, Thevetia peruviana, Cascabela peruviana, Cerbera thevetia
Cascabela thevetia
Thevetia peruviana
Cascabela peruviana, Cerbera thevetia,
Yellow oleander, Mexican oleander
Lucky Nut, Be-still Tree,
תבטיה הרדופית

Commelina communis, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Commelina communis
Asiatic dayflower
Widow's Tears
קומלינה, ודמעות האלמנה

Delonix regia, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Delonix regia
Royal Poinciana
צאלון נאה

Dietes bicolor, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Dietes bicolor
Iris bicolor, Moraea bicolor
Yellow Wild Iris
Peacock Flower, Butterfly Iris
דיאטס דו- גוני

Digitalis purpurea, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Digitalis purpurea
Purple Foxglove
Lady's Glove
אצבעונית ארגמנית

Dracaena draco, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Dracaena draco
Asparagus draco
Yucca draconis,Dragon Tree
דרצנה קנרית, עץ הדרקון

Elettaria cardamomum, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Elettaria cardamomum

Eriobotrya japonica, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Eriobotrya japonica
Mespilus japonica
שסק, אסקדיניה

HEriocephalus africanus, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Eriocephalus africanus
Cape snow bush
African rosemary
צמרר אפריקני

Erythrina corallodendron, ישראל, פרחים, צמחי בר
Erythrina corallodendron
Erythrina corallodendrum
Coral Bean Tree, Coral tree
West Indian Coral Tree
Hebrew: אלמוגן רחב-עלים
مرجان عريض الاوراق

Euphorbia Millii, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Euphorbia Millii
Euphorbia splendens
Crown of Thorns
חלבלוב קוצני

Gazania rigens, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Gazania rigens
Treasure flower
Histadrut flower/Union flower
גזניה ריגנס ,פרח הסתדרות

Gazania rigens, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Hemerocallis fulva
Orange Daylily
Tawny Daylily
Tiger Daylily, Ditch Lily
המרוקליס כתום

Hibiscus syriacus, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus
Shoe flower

Hibiscus syriacus, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Hibiscus syriacus
Shrub Althea

Hoya bellathumbnail
Hoya bella
Beautiful Hoya
בת שבע יפה

Jacaranda acutifolia, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Jacaranda acutifolia
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Blue Jacaranda
ז'קרנדה חדת עלים ,סיגלון

Lantana montevidensis, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Kigelia africana
Crescentia pinnata
Kigelia pinnata
Sausage tree
קיגליה מנוצה
كجلة أفريقية

Lantana montevidensis, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Lantana montevidensis
trailing lantana
weeping lantana
לנטנה לילכית ,לנטנה עדינה

Luffa aegyptiaca, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Luffa aegyptiaca
Luffa cylindrica
Sponge gourd,Loofah/Lufah

Macadamia integrifolia, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Macadamia integrifolia
Macadamia nut
Queensland nut
מקדמיה, האגוז הקוינסלנדי
مكاداميا كاملة الأوراق

Musa banana, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Musa banana
מוז, בננה

Ocimum basilicum, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Ocimum basilicum
Sweet basil
בזיליקום, ריחן

Passiflora edulis, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Passiflora edulis
Passion fruit
שעונית נאכלת

Paulownia tomentosa, Blue Dragon Tree, Empress Tree, Princess Tree, Foxglove Tree, פולובניה הדורה ,עץ הקיסר ,עץ הנסיכה
Paulownia tomentosa
Blue Dragon Tree
Empress Tree, Princess Tree,
פולובניה הדורה ,עץ הקיסר

Parkinsonia aculeata, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Peltophorum dubium
Baryxylum dubium
Caesalpinia dubia
Yellow Poinciana
Copperpod, Horsebush
שלטית מקומטת
بلتوفورم مجعد

Selenicereus anthonyanus, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Selenicereus anthonyanus
Cryptocereus anthonyanus
Fish Bone, Rick Rack Cactus
Zig-zag cactus
קריפטוצראוס זיגזגי

Selenicus grandifloras, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Selenicus grandifloras
Night-blooming cereus
Queen of the night
Deer-Horn Cactus
מלכת הלילה

Spathiphyllum wallisii, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Spathiphyllum wallisii
Peace lily, White sails
Spathe flower, Cobra plant
ספטיפיליום וליס

Spathodea campanulata, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Spathodea campanulata
Spathodea nilotica
African Tulip Tree
עץ הטוליפ ,מתחלית פעמונית

Stephanotis floribunda, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Stephanotis floribunda
Madagascar Jasmine
Bridal Bouquet
Hawaiian Wedding Flower
סטפנוטיס רב-פרחים

Tabebuia impetiginosa, Handroanthus impetiginosus, Purple Tabebuia, pink ipê,pink lapacho, pink trumpet tree, טבבויה איפה,  عيفقان
Tabebuia impetiginosa
Handroanthus impetiginosus
Purple Tabebuia, pink ipê
pink lapacho, pink trumpet tree
טבבויה איפה, عيفقان

Tecoma castanifolia, Chestnutleaf Trumpet Bush, Gaudichaudi, דק פרי ערמוני, تيكومة كستنائية الأوراق
Tecoma castanifolia
Chestnutleaf Trumpet Bush
דק פרי ערמוני
تيكومة كستنائية الأوراق

Taxodium distichum, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Taxodium distichum
Bald cypress
Swamp cypress
טקסודיון דו-טורי

Tropaeolum majus, Israel, Orange Flowers
Tropaeolum majus
Cardamindum majus
Garden nasturtium
Indian cress
חונק הדוב ,כובע הנזיר
كبوسين كبير

Turnera ulmifolia, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Turnera ulmifolia
Ramgoat dashalong
Yellow Buttercups
Yellow Alder
Sage Rose
טורנרה בוקיצתית

Yucca filamentosa, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Yucca filamentosa
Spoonleaf yucca
Filament yucca
Adam's Needle
יוקה סיבית
يوكا خيطية
