Forests, Woodlands and Shrubberies in the Mediterranean region
representing the vegetal landscape of Israel.

"One day Honi Hameagel, a righteous miracle worker, saw an old man planting a carob tree.
Knowing that a carob tree took 70 years to bear fruit, and that therefore the old man would not live to see the results of his labor, he asked why he was planting a tree whose fruits he would never enjoy. ‘Carob trees were here when I was born, planted by my father and his father,’ answered the old man. ‘Now I plant trees for the enjoyment of my children and their children’s children."
- Talmud Ta’anit 23a
Tree-planting is an ancient Jewish tradition. (See: Tu B'Shvat)

1. The Common Oak Forest
This is the most typical and common forest and maquis formation of the local arboreal vegetation. It is dominated by the Common oak (Quercus calliprinos), and accompanied by the Palestine terebinth (Pistacia palaestina), Spiny hawthorn (Crataegus aronia), Strawberry tree (Arbutus andrachne), Laurel (Laurus nobilis), green olive tree or mock privet (Phillyrea latifolia), Official Storax (Styrax officinalis), Forest and Woods in Israel Mediterranean buckthorn (Rhamnus lycioides), Italian buckthorn (Rhamnus alaternus), Judas tree (Cercis siliquastrum), Spartium junceum (Spanish Broom) and others. The most typical climbers of the maquis* are Clematis (Clematis cirrhosa), Black bryony (Tamus communis), and Etruscan honey suckle (Lonicera etrusca). The maquis affords shelter to great many beautiful bulb and tuber plants such as species of Tulipa (Liliaceae), Allium (Liliaceae), Colchicum (Liliaceae), Crocus (Iridaceae), Orchis (Orchidaceae), Ophrys (Orchidaceae), some shade demanding ferns, and others. Where the maquis is less dense, it offers optimal growth conditions for a wealth of annual and perennial herbs.

*Maquis shrubland is broadly similar to garrigue, but the vegetation is more dense, being composed of numerous closely spaced shrubs. Maquis is associated with siliceous (acid) soils, unlike the relatively alkaline calcareous soils of the garrigue.

2. The Pine Forests
The pine forest is dominated by Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) and often accompanied by shrubs and trees of maquis and garrigue, such as kermes oak (Quercus calliprinos), Mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus), Terebinth (Pistacia palaestina), Strawberry tree (Arbutus andrachne), Prickly Juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus), Sage-leaved rock-rose (Cistus salvifolius), Greek oregano (Salvia fruticosa), Spiny Broom (Calycotome villosa) and herbs, bulbs, tubers and more.

3. The Tabor Oak Forest
A deciduous forest, limited to the Sharon, the Lower Galilee, the Hula Valley and the slopes of the Golan Heights. In the Sharon Plain the Tabor oak (Quercus ithaburensis) were accompanied by a cover of grass similar to a savannah. In the Lower Galilee the oak is very often accompanied by Official Storax (Styrax officinalis); and in the Hulah-Dan Valley the Atlantic Pistachio, Terebinth (Pistacia atlantica) is the principal coexistant of the Tabor oak. They (allon and elon) are the trees wth many citations in the Bible; the oak is associated with the Hebrew word for 'God' - el.

4. Carob and Mastic Pistacia Scrub Forests
The Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) together with the Mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus) dominate a type of evergreen scrub forest, called the Carob and Mastic Pistacia Scrub Forest. It is common in the Coastal Plain and the adjacent foothills, and on the eastern slopes of Galilee and Samaria.

Trees and Bushes, עצים ושיחים - Ilanot, אילנות in Israel

Acacia farnesiana, Flowers, Israel
Acacia farnesiana
Mimosa farnesiana
Vachellia farnesiana
Sweet acacia, Cassie
שיטת המשוכות

Acacia laeta, Flowers, Israel
Acacia laeta
Gay Acacia
שיטה רעננה

Acacia pachyceras, Flowers, Israel
Acacia pachyceras
Acacia gerrardii
שיטת הנגב

Acacia raddiana, Flowers, Israel
Acacia raddiana
Twisted Acacia
שיטה סלילנית

Acacia salicina, Flowers, Israel
Acacia salicina
Racosperma salicinum
Willow Acacia, Willow wattle
שיטה עלי-הערבה

Acacia saligna, Flowers, Israel
Acacia saligna
Acacia cyanophylla
Golden-wreath Wattle
שיטה כחלחלה

Acacia tortilis, Flowers, Israel
Acacia tortilis
Umbrella Thorn Acacia
שיטת הסוכך

Acer obtusifolium, Flowers, Israel
Acer obtusifolium
Acer syriacum
Syrian Maple
אדר סורי

Amydales communis, Flowers, Israel
Amygdalus communis
Common Almond
שקד מצוי

Anagyris foetida, Flowers, Israel
Anagyris foetida
Stinking bean trefoil
Mediterranean Stinkbush
צחנן מבאיש

Araucaria heterophylla, Araucaria excelsa, Norfolk Island pine, אראוקריה רמה
Araucaria heterophylla
Araucaria excelsa
Norfolk Island pine
אראוקריה רמה

Arbutus andrachne, Flowers, Israel
Arbutus andrachne
Eastern Strawberry tree
מצוי קטלב

Atriplex halimus, Flowers, Israel
Atriplex halimus
Shrubby Saltbush
מלוח קיפח

Balanites aegyptiaca, Flowers in Israel, Send
Balanites aegyptiaca
Egyptian Balsam
זקום מצרי

Bauhinia variegata, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Bauhinia variegata
Bauhinia chinensis
Orchid Tree
בוהיניה מגוונת

Calicotome villosa, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Calicotome villosa
Spiny Broom
קידה שעירה

Calotropis procera, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Calotropis procera
Sodom's Apple
פתילת-מדבר גדולה

Capparis aegyptia , Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Capparis aegyptia
Egyptian caper
צלף מצרי

Capparis decidua, Israel, Red flowers
Capparis decidua
Capparis aphylla
Caper berry
Caper plant, Wild caper
צלף רותמי

Capparis sicula, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Capparis sicula
Sicilian caper
צלף סיצילי

Capparis spinosa, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Capparis spinosa
Common Caper
צלף קוצני
الغبار، آبار

Casuarina cunninghamiana, Australian beefwood, Australian Pine, River Sheoak, Cunninghams beefwood, קזוארינה דקיקה,  كازارينا كانينغهامية
Casuarina cunninghamiana
Australian beefwood
Australian Pine
River Sheoak
קזוארינה דקיקה
كازارينا كانينغهامية

Cedrus libani, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Cedrus libani
Lebanon Cedar
ארז הלבנון

Celtis australis, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Celtis australis
European Nettle tree
Lote tree
מיש דרומי

Ceratonia siliqua, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Ceratonia siliqua
חרוב מצוי

Cercis siliquastrum, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Cercis siliquastrum
Juda's Tree
כליל החורש

Cistus salviifolius, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Cistus salviifolius
White Rockrose
לוטם מרווני

Clematis cirrhosa, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Clematis cirrhosa
Fern-leaved clematis
Evergreen clematis
Traveller's Joy, Bower
זלזלת הקנוקנות

Colutea istria, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Colutea istria
קרקש צהוב

Commiphora abyssinica, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Commiphora abyssinica
Commiphora habessinica
Myrrh Tree, Abyssinian myrrh
Arabian myrrh, Yemen myrrh
מור אפריקאי

Cordia sinensis, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Cordia sinensis
Cordia gharaf
Grey leaved saucerberry
גפנן המדבר

Crataegus aronia, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Crataegus aronia
Crataegus azarolus
Spiny Hawthorn
עוזרר קוצני

Crataegus azarolus, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Crataegus azarolus
עוזרר אדום

Cupressus sempervirens, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Cupressus sempervirens
Funeral Cypress
ברוש מצוי

Dalbergia sissoo, Israel, Send flowers online
Dalbergia sissoo
Indian Rosewood
סיסם הודי

Delonix regia, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Delonix regia
Royal Poinciana
צאלון נאה

Ephedra aphylla, ישראל, פרחים, צמחי בר
Ephedra aphylla
Ephedra alte
Joint pine
שרביטן ריסני

Ephedra foeminea, ישראל, פרחים, צמחי בר
Ephedra foeminea
Ephedra campylopoda
Leafless Ephedra
שרביטן מצוי

Erythrina corallodendron, ישראל, פרחים, צמחי בר
Erythrina corallodendron
Erythrina corallodendrum
Coral Bean Tree, Coral tree
West Indian Coral Tree
Hebrew: אלמוגן רחב-עלים
مرجان عريض الاوراق

Eucalyptus camalidulensis, ישראל, פרחים, צמחי בר
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
River Red-gum
אקליפטוס המקור

Ficus carica, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Ficus carica
פיקוס התאנה

Ficus microcarpa, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Ficus microcarpa
Ficus nitida, Ficus retusa
Chinese or Malayan banyan
Indian Laurel, Curtain fig
פיקוס השדרות

Ficus sycomorus, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Ficus sycomorus
Sycomore fig

Fraxinus syriaca, Fleurs sauvages, Wildblumen, Fiori, флоры, Flores Silvestres, زهور
Fraxinus syriaca
מילה סורית

Genista fasselata, Israel, Yellow colored flowers
Genista fasselata
Genista sphacelata
רתמה קוצנית
الجينيستا الفاسلية

Grewia villosa, Wildflowers, Israel, send flowers
Grewia villosa
Mallow raisin
Mallow-leaved ross berry
Round leaf grewia
גרויה שעירה

Helianthemum stipulatum, Wildflowers, Israel, send flowers
Helianthemum stipulatum
Helianthemum ellipticum
שמשון סגלגל

Helianthemum vesicarium, Wildflowers, Israel, send flowers
Helianthemum vesicarium
Pink Sun-rose
הדור שמשון

Jacaranda acutifolia, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Jacaranda acutifolia
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Blue Jacaranda
ז'קרנדה חדת עלים , סיגלון
جكراندة ميموزية الأوراق

Lantana montevidensis, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Kigelia africana
Crescentia pinnata
Kigelia pinnata
Sausage tree
קיגליה מנוצה
كجلة أفريقية

Laurus nobilis, Israel Wildflowers, Send flowers online
Laurus nobilis
True Laurel, Sweet Bay
ער אציל

Lonicera etrusca, Israel Wildflowers, Send flowers online
Lonicera etrusca
Italian Honeysuckle
יערה איטלקית

Lycium europaeumthumbnail
Lycium europaeum
European Wolfberry
אטד אירופי

Lycium schweinfurthii, Israel Wildflowers, Send flowers online
Lycium schweinfurthii
אטד החוף

Maerua crassifolia, Maerua rigida, Maerua hirtella, Maerua uniflora, מרואה עבת-עלים
Maerua crassifolia
Maerua rigida
Maerua hirtella
Maerua uniflora
מרואה עבת-עלים

Melissa officinalis, Israel, Flowers, Native Plants
Melia azedarach
White Cedar
Persian Lilac
Chinaberry, Bead Tree
אזדרכת מצויה

Moringa peregrina, Moringa aptera, Ben tree, wispy-needled yasar tree, wild drum-stick tree, מורינגה רותמית
Moringa peregrina, Moringa aptera
Ben tree, wispy-needled yasar tree
wild drum-stick tree
מורינגה רותמית

Morus alba, Israel, Flowers, Native Plants
Morus alba
White Mulberry
תות לבן

Morus nigra, Black Mulberry,Sycamine, توت أسود ,תות שחור Israel, green wildflowers
Morus nigra
Black Mulberry
توت أسود
תות שחור

Myrtus communis, Israel, Flowers, Native Plants
Myrtus communis
Hebrew: Hadas, הדס

Nerium oleander, Israel, Flowers, Native Plants
Nerium Oleander
הרדוף הנחלים

Nicotiana glauca, Israel, Flowers, Native Plants
Nicotiana glauca
Tree Tobacco
Hebrew: טבק השיח

Nitraria retusa, Israel, Flowers, Native Plants
Nitraria retusa
Salt tree
ימלוח פגום

Ochradenus baccatus, Israel, Flora, Wildflowers, Plants
Ochradenus baccatus
Taily Weed
ריכפתן מדברי

Olea-europaea, Israel, Flora, Wildflowers, Plants
Olea europaea
זית אירופיזית
Arabic: زيتون

Opuntia ficus-indica, Israel, Flora, Wildflowers, Plants
Opuntia ficus-indica
Prickly Pear
Hebrew: Sabra, Tzabar, צבר

Parkinsonia aculeata, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Parkinsonia aculeata
Jerusalem Thorn
Prickly Thorn
פרקינסוניה שיכנית

Parkinsonia aculeata, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Peltophorum dubium
Baryxylum dubium
Caesalpinia dubia
Yellow Poinciana
Copperpod, Horsebush
שלטית מקומטת
بلتوفورم مجعد

Phoenix dactylifera, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Phoenix dactylifera
Date Palm
תמר מצוי

Pinus brutia, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Pinus brutia
Cyprus pine, Calabrian pine
Turkish pine
אורן קפריסאי
صنوبر قبرصي

Pinus halepensis, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Pinus halepensis
Aleppo Pine
Jerusalem pine
אורן ירושלים
صنوبر الحلبي

Pinus pinea, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Pinus pinea
Umbrella- or stone pine
Italian stone pine
אורן הצנובר
صنوبر مثمر

Pistacia atlantica, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Pistacia atlantica
Atlantic Pistachio
Hebrew: elah,אלה אטלנטית
Arabic butm

Pistacia lentiscus, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Pistacia lentiscus
Mastic tree, Lentisc
אלת המסטיק

Pistacia palaestina, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Pistacia palaestina
Turpentine Tree
Terebinth Tree
אלה ארץ-ישראלית

Platanus orientalis, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Platanus orientalis
Oriental Plane Tree
דולב מזרחי

Populus alba, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Populus alba
White Poplar
צפצפה מכסיפה

Populus euphratica, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Populus euphratica
Euphrates Poplar
צפצפת הפרת

Prosopis farcta, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Prosopis farcta
Dwarf Mesquite
ינבוט השדה

Amydales communis, Flowers, Israel
Prunus dulcis
Prunus amygdalus
Amygdalus communis
Common Almond
שקד מצוי

Prunus cerasus, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Prunus cerasus
Sour Cherry

Amydales communis, Flowers, Israel
Prunus korschinskii
Amygdalus korschinskii
Wild Almond
שקד קטן-עלים
خوخ كورشنسكي

Prunus ursina, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Prunus ursina
Bear's Plum
שזיף הדוב

Punica granatum, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Punica granatum
Hebrew: Rimon, רימון

Pyrus syriaca, Flowers in Israel, wildflowers
Pyrus syriaca
Syrian Pear
אגס סורי

Quercus boissieri, Israel, Flora, Wild Flowers
Quercus boissieri
Boissier Oak
Cyprus oak
אלון התולע

Quercus calliprinos, Israel, Flora, Wild Flowers
Quercus calliprinos
Kermes Oak
אלון מצוי

Quercus ithaburensis, Israel, Flora, Wild Flowers
Quercus ithaburensis
Tabor oak
אלון התבור,

Quercus ithaburensis, Flora, Israel, Wildflowers, green flowers
Quercus suber
Cork oak
אלון השעם
السنديان الفليني

Retama raetam, Israel, Native Plants, Wildflowers
Retama raetam
White Broom
רותם המדבר

Rose of Sharon, Israel, Native Plants, Wildflowers
Rhamnus alaternus
Italian Buckthorn
אשחר רחב-עלים
نبق متبادل الأوراق

Rose of Sharon, Israel, Native Plants, Wildflowers
Rhamnus lycioides
Rhamnus palaestinus
Palestine Buckthorn
אשחר ארץ-ישראלי

Rhus coriaria, Israel, Native Plants, Wildflowers
Rhus coriaria
Tanners Sumach
אוג הבורסקאים

Ricinus communis, Israel, Native Plants, Wildflowers
Ricinus communis
Castor-Oil Plant
Palma Christi
Qiqayon mazui, קיקיון מצוי

Rosa canina, Israel, Native Plants, Wildflowers
Rosa canina
Dog Rose, Wild Brier
ורד הכלב

Rosmarinus officinalis, Israel, Native Plants, Wildflowers
Rosmarinus officinalis
רוזמרין רפואי

Rubia tenuifolia, Narrow-leaved Madder, פואה מצוי, Cream colored flowers
Rubia tenuifolia
Narrow-leaved Madder
פואה מצוי

Rubus sanguineus, Israel, Native Plants, Wildflowers
Rubus sanguineus
Rubus sanctus
Holy Bramble, Blackberry
פטל קדוש

Salix alba, Israel, Flowers, Pictures
Salix alba
White Willow
swallow tailed willow
ערבה לבנה
الصفصاف الأبيض

Salvadora persica, Israel, Flowers, Pictures
Salvadora persica
Toothbrush tree
Mustard tree
Peelu tree
סלוודורה פרסית ,الأراك

Spartium junceum, Israel, Flowers, Pictures
Spartium junceum
Spanish Broom
Rush Broom
אחירותם החורש

Styrax officinalis, Israel, Flowers, Pictures
Styrax officinalis
Official Storax
לבנה רפואי

Tamarix aphylla, Flowers, Israel, flora
Tamarix aphylla
Tamarix articulate
Athel tree
Athel tamarisk
אשל הפרקים

Tamarix jordanis, Flowers, Israel, flora
Tamarix jordanis
Jordan Tamarisk
אשל הירדן

Tamarix nilotica, Flowers, Israel, flora
Tamarix nilotica
Nile tamarisk
אשל היאור

Tamarix parviflora, Flowers, Israel, flora
Tamarix parviflora
Smallflower tamarisk
אשל קטן פרחים

Tamarix tetragyna, Four-stamen tamarisk, Saltcedar, אשל מרובע , أثل رباعي الأخبية
Tamarix tetragyna
Four-stamen tamarisk
אשל מרובע
أثل رباعي الأخبية

Tanacetum aucheri, Flowers, Israel, flora
Tamus orientalis
Dioscorea orientalis
Black bryony
טמוס מזרחי

Taxodium distichum, Israel, Flora, Flowers, Plants
Taxodium distichum
Bald cypress
Swamp cypress
טקסודיון דו-טורי

Thymelaea hirsute, Flowers, Israel, flora
Thymelaea hirsute
Shaggy Sparrow-Wort
Spur flax
מתנן שעיר

Thymelaea hirsute, Flowers, Israel, flora
Tipuana tipu
Machaerium tipu
Tipuana speciosa
Pride of Bolivia
Rosewood, Tipu Tree
מכנף נאה , بليسندر جميله

Viburnum tinus, Israel, Wildflowers, Native Plants
Viburnum tinus
מורן החורש

Vitex agnus-castus, Israel, Wildflowers, Native Plants
Vitex agnus-castus
Lilac chastetree
Abraham's balm
שיח-אברהם מצוי

Vitis vinifera, Israel, Wildflowers, Native Plants
Vitis vinifera
גפן הייןבורית נטויה

Washigtonia robusta, Wildflower, Israel, Send flowers Online
Washingtonia robusta
Washington Palm
וושינגטוניה חוטית

Zimrat Haaretz, Wildflower, Israel, Send flowers Online
zimrat ha'aretz
the praise of the Land
the song of the Land
זמרת הארץ

Ziziphus lotus, Wildflower, Israel, Send flowers Online
Ziziphus lotus
Rhamnus lotus
Lotus jujube, Lotus tree
שיזף השיח

Ziziphus spina-christi, Wildflower, Israel, Send flowers Online
Ziziphus spina_christi
Jujube,Christ’s thorn
שיזף מצוי,אטד


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